Monday, December 31, 2007


1) Prayer
2) perspective
3) Sleep
4) Sunshine
5) talents
6) Opportunities
7) food
8) a place to belong
9) Ideas
10) Do overs

Sunday, December 30, 2007


1) church
2) old friends
3) strong convictions
4) ability to see the future for what it is
5) The opportunity to make choices.
6) a husband who hated me
7) chance to start over and fix things
8) Prayer
9) My Children
10) Nick, And relief when I have a head ache.

Friday, December 28, 2007


1) things that I do know
2) years of life
3) Cars
4) Animals
5) love
6) my computer
7) talents
8) that I'm not overly fat
9) That I do not have to live a pretense
10) people like Nicholas who stick by me no matter how foolish I act somtimes.

Thursday, December 27, 2007


1) The Internet
2) Flushing toilets
3) naptimes
4) written thoughts
5) Prayer
6) a disregard for my immediate wishes when eternal schemes are made.
7) children
8) potential
9) love
10) the opportunity that comes with surviving a heartbreak.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


1) Good parents
2) teaching moments
3) Christmas lights
4) Love
5) Communication
6) gifts
7) Children
8) Wrist watches
9) beautiful scenery
10) talk radio

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

I've been remembering alot.

oh, too weird, maybe I should try again.


1) my mind
2) words
3) Children
4) journals
5) Inspiration
6) comprehension
7) Babies
8) Mothers
9) Eternal life
10) Musc & Peotry

Monday, December 24, 2007

Satnta - Courtesy of Hannah


1) Christmas
2) answered prayers
3) Brothers
4) Sisters
5) Children
6) food
7) Nick
8) My contact with the world.
9) good movies
10) Animals

Sunday, December 23, 2007


1) Leaders
2) Teachers
3) children
4) music
5) email
6) friends
7) good parents
8) Brothers and sisters
9) Knowledge
10) patience


1) Love
2) tears
3) power
4) light
5) children
6) food
7) music
8) talents
9) health
10) Journals

Friday, December 21, 2007


1) Hannah
2) my mom
3) a car
4) Nick!
5) Good ideas
6) good recipes
7) little children!
8) Water
9) gravity
10) the ability to feel


1) Nick
2) Soreness (Room for improvement)
3) Hannah
4) Clarity of thought! oh how I've missed you!
5) Hot tubs!
6) Health
7) Talents
8) many choices
9) Supernatural Reruns
10) skipping & jumping

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


1 - Nick
2 - Food
3 - Good movies
4 - the ability to make choices
5 - my computer
6 - my bed
7 - warm weather & the knowledgethat it will return.
8 - Breathing
9 - My Scriptures
10 - Clothes to wear.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Good Songs


1) Nick
2) Hannah
3) the ability to type.
4) Good parents who teach me correctly.
5) Prayer and the belief that it is real.
6) ditto on Priesthood power.
7) candy
8) Health
9) warm water!
10) Wonderful children! to love completely and be willing to endure anything for.


2)my computer
3)Not being alone
4)having parents who love and watchout for me
5)The opportunity to make my own choices
6)My gym membership
7)the fact that some choices are not stumbling blocks or options because they would be wrong, but I don't have to suffer them.
8)The knowlegde that I still have of the Gospel
9) the ability to walk and talk.
10) the abilty to play piano for others at church.