Monday, April 9, 2012

April 9th, 2012

I have to remind myself that I am actually thankful sometimes, or I want to collapse or cease, but like I was thinkg about the early pioneers as I was reviewing for the lesson in FHE, there really isn't a way to give up, you sort of had to be committed to the purpose. I am more grateful for some things than others.

1) Olive branches especially in the form of communications with other people who know and think in words that I can understand, or even try.
2) Mary Anne's extreme good nature and patience!
3) Joe's ability to forget, and hold no grudge
4) Gavin's ability to adapt
5) Brooksie's ability to really comprehend the meaning and explain it. It comes in handy alot of the time.
6) Lena's intelligence and beauty
7) Food
8) Schedules made when a choice was easier to make
9) Ideas
10) Sunshine

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