Monday, February 24, 2025

I am here because of love

Dieter F. Uchtdorf recorded a video sharing how he hears the communication from our Heavenly Father. I believe 100% he does as it is part of his job description so to speak.

He said that it is when he is full of love and gratitude that he feels closest to God and can comprehend our father's love for us, and it is in that environment that he gets impressions.

I had said a vocal prayer in a location that I had felt impressed to choose and stood up entirely alone, but, still I absolutely knew that I was heard and understood, but the impression I got was to return to my phone app and listen to the various apostles sharing how they hear him...which is a tad unrelated to my sincerely question. But, I still wanted to give my appreciation back... mostlyfor the hug that totally changed my life. It was random and unexpected, so I knew it was sincere and not necessarily caused by some logical antecedent.  I felt like it was a thankyou from my Savior. He was thanking me? There is a primary song that is called help us to understand, or wait maybe it is just called the sacrament. Either way I sing it as I prepare for church attendance on Sundays, one lyric states that when I think about all that has been done for me I want to serve and I do so thankfuly. I sometimes feel like a failure, but I really really want to minister to these children, and amidst it all, one very young boy walked up and hugged me and said, "I love you so much." Wow! Mary and I had just been talking about how neither of us see ancestors or feel them in the temple like Dad does, but we definitely feel the spirit, and both of us said that it makes us want to just hug someone and tell them how much we love them.

Also, sister Naumen was speaking about the miracle answer I got in response to my prayer, and she said, "I was told to make sure you understood that you were loved. That was pretty much the exact message, if you ask, the response was because I love you so much." So, I am left feeling that I really ought to express my gratitude, for that "tender mercy" I was given.

My mind is flooded with other times and situations when it was undeniable that Heavenly Father is aware of me and had the time to let me know.  One of which I cannot say anything about because, I said that I wouldn't  if I could know the things I wondered.

1) my talents
2) my health
3) my children

I truly am highly favored, man!

4) my parents
5) my education

I could go on and on and on and on, you get the point, no? I have almost too much to be thankful for. It would seems inconceivable to ask for anything more.